November 01, 2006

SMOD Networking Proposal from the Networking sub group at the conference

The group listed things that a Network can help coordinate. A website and email list can help groups share information on:

Nonviolent Direct Action Campaigns

Coordinate actions- there was discussion on picking special days, (i.e. April 1st) or focusing on traditional spots (i.e.Nevada), as well as coordinating actions around anniversaries (i.e. Aug 6-9)

Nonviolence Training for campaigns

Strategic Planning, strategies

Identify and develop skills needed (possibly create a tool kit)
Coordinate research

Post a calendar of what’s happening

Outreach to others involved in war profiteers work - those doing vigils at weapons manufacturers, groups focusing on war profiteers, and encourage them to join a network. We need to remember to honor existing networks, but recognize we are looking to create a more comprehensive network that does not exist.

Steps to be taken to develop a network:

Create a report from the conference and circulate to those who attended and those invited and others. – Mimi and Joanne

Create a Statement of what this network will be, that we can use for outreach. Jarrett, Steve and Felice

We will organize an “Initiating Coordinating Committee” (people volunteered at the last plenary) who will move these ideas forward. Those who volunteered: WRL, NYSPC, Alliant Action, WILPF. They will meet through regular phone calls and email.


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